Reminiscence Therapy

Reminiscence Therapy for People Living with Dementia – Reminiscence Therapy (RT) is a therapeutic approach used to support individuals with dementia by encouraging them to recall and discuss past experiences. This technique leverages the relatively preserved long-term memory in dementia patients to improve their psychological well-being and cognitive function. Here’s an in-depth look at what reminiscence therapy involves and…

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Implementing Person-Centered Care

Considerations and Steps for Implementing Person-Centered Care for People with Dementia – Caregivers can effectively implement person-centered care, respecting the individuality of each person with dementia and enhancing their quality of life by following these steps…   Step #1: Work to understand the individual so you can tailor care to their unique needs and preferences. Learn about the person’s…

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Importance of Offering Choices

Importance of Offering Choices to People with Dementia – Offering choices to dementia patients is crucial for several reasons.  First of all, it promotes autonomy and dignity. Allowing individuals with dementia to make choices helps maintain their sense of independence and self-worth. It respects their ability to make decisions about their own lives, which is essential for preserving their…

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Spaced Retrieval

Understanding Spaced Retrieval in the Context of Dementia –  Spaced Retrieval (SR) is a cognitive intervention technique used to help individuals with dementia retain and recall information over progressively longer intervals. Spaced retrieval is a valuable technique in dementia care that leverages the spacing effect to help individuals retain and recall information over progressively longer intervals. It offers numerous…

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The Story of the Flower, Forget-Me-Not

The Forget-Me-Not: A Symbol of Love and Memory in the Context of Dementia –  In a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and meandering streams, there grew a garden of wildflowers that was cherished by all its inhabitants. Among the blooms, one particular flower stood out with its delicate blue petals and bright yellow center: the forget-me-not. This humble flower…

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New Alzheimer’s-Dementia Diagnosis

New Alzheimer’s – Dementia Diagnosis: Reactions and Feelings – Someone who has just received a new Alzheimer’s – dementia diagnosis can be profoundly affected. It is an emotional and life-altering experience. The reactions and feelings of individuals upon hearing such a diagnosis can vary widely. This can depend on their personality, life experiences, support systems, and understanding of the…

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