Tangram Puzzles

Tangram Puzzles:

How did Tangram puzzles get their name?

The term “Tangram” refers to an ancient Chinese puzzle that consists of seven geometric pieces (two large triangles, one medium triangle, two small triangles, one square, and one parallelogram) that are used to form various shapes. The name “Tangram” likely combines the Chinese word “Tang,” meaning Chinese, and the Greek word “gram,” meaning something written or drawn

The goal of a tangram puzzle is to rearrange all seven pieces to create specific figures without overlapping the pieces. Historically, this puzzle has served both entertainment and educational purposes. For example, it has been used to develop spatial reasoning and problem-solving skills. 

In addition, tangrams can be used in dementia care activities, particularly as part of therapeutic programs like the Montessori Inspired Lifestyle® (MIL).

Tangrams involve arranging geometric shapes to form different designs while helping to engage individuals with dementia in a mentally stimulating and enjoyable way.

Here are a few reasons why tangram puzzles are beneficial in dementia care:

Cognitive Stimulation:

Tangrams challenge individuals to think about spatial relationships, which can help maintain or improve cognitive function. The activity involves problem-solving, memory recall, and focus, all of which are important for dementia care.

Hand-Eye Coordination and Fine Motor Skills:

Manipulating the small pieces helps with fine motor skills and coordination, which are critical in maintaining physical abilities in individuals with dementia.

Calming Effect:

For some individuals with dementia, puzzles like tangrams provide a sense of calm and focus, therefore helping to reduce agitation or anxiety.


Purposeful Engagement:

Completing a tangram design provides a sense of accomplishment.  It aligns with the idea of providing activities that have a clear purpose and meaning for the individual.



Caregivers can adjust the complexity of the tangram puzzle based on the individual’s abilities. They can start with simple shapes or fewer pieces to make the activity accessible and enjoyable.

Tangrams and similar puzzles are often part of dementia care programs because they promote both mental and physical engagement. This allows individuals to participate in meaningful activities at their own pace.

We offer an online conference all about Creating and Presenting Activities Adapted for the Cognitively Impaired. Check here for more information, dates and registration.